What to do about your Obesity?

Obesity is the root cause of numerous chronic health complications. It is defined as the accumulation of excessive and unnecessary fat in the body. Fending off obesity is considerably very important for everyone to maintain health and avoid chronic diseases, which can be achieved by some obvious lifestyle modifications.

Measuring Standards of Obesity:

A person’s BMI is a calculated score based on the height and weight of a person. The resulting score shows if the person is considered obese according to his or her weight and height. Measuring waist size can also determine if you are obese or not.  Generally, a waist size of 94 cm or above in men and 80 cm or above in women is considered obese.

Causes of Obesity:

To overcome obesity, we need to understand its provocation and causes first. Our bodies require a certain number of calories to be consumed per day. Consumption of excessive calories eventually results in fat storage, causing weight gain. Sedentary lifestyles, limited physical activity, and high-calorie fast food diets are the primary and most significant causes of excessive fat storage in the body.

Obese? You’re at a risk! The trepidatious thing is, being obese is not just a concern for beauty standards, but is a perilous risk to health, leading to many chronic and deadly diseases, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Chronic heart diseases
  • Some types of cancer
  • Liver diseases
  • Kidney diseases
  • Complications in pregnancy
  • Low self-esteem
  • Psychological issues and more.

But, you’re definitely not alone! According to the NHS, 1 out of 4 adults in the UK is obese. Obesity is one of the most common problems all over the world; hence it is now a big concern after COVID-19. Physical inactivity has dramatically increased the number of obese people in the population. According to the research, the rate of obese people has increased by 4.4% just in the lapse of a year.

How do overcome it?

NYU doctors and dieticians recommend a healthy diet and an active lifestyle to vanquish obesity and maintain a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index).

So, don’t stay in limbo and start moving, make some obvious changes in your current lifestyle to maintain your health.

Things you can do:

  • Get an appointment with your nearest dietician or nutritionist or start following one on social media because their tips and suggestion can help you a lot, understanding the inadvertent mistakes, you are making in your daily routine.
  • Initiate activities like walking for at least 15 minutes after every meal; avoiding lifts; starting to climb stairs. Start doing jumping, jogging, rope skipping, swimming, or any cardio workout for at least 3-5 hours a week.
  • We eat three meals a day. It is crucial to get a hand on knowledge about healthy eating, a balanced calorie diet, and its myriad benefits for health.

Small and persistent changes in lifestyle can result in the prevention of chronic diseases and bring remarkable changes in the body and physical health. Within 3 weeks of adapting to these facile and healthy efforts, the outcomes of having a salutary lifestyle can be observed.

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1 comment

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